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All things are energy in the process of appearing as matter. This is one thing that needs to be understood before we can begin to embark on letting go enough to embrace a process like
soul recovery or retrieval.

It's a chicken-egg thing, of course, because also, by embracing such a process we begin to have experiences that help us to let go enough to further embrace the process. All we can do
is start where we are.

The processes called "soul retrieval" and "soul recovery" are generally found in the context of shamanism, which is a term that is unfortunately loaded with at least a millennia of unwarranted political and religious connotations.

Fabiane M. Borges, an essayist, researcher and PhD in clinical psychology, in a web article called "Technoshamanism and Wasted Ontologies", says about shamanism,

When we perceive shamanism not as tribal religions or as the beliefs of archaic people (as is still very common) but as a technology of knowledge production, we radically change the perception of its meaning.

I like this, a 'technology of knowledge production'. This definition is nice and clean, not loaded with cultural connotations.

The article goes on to detail some practicalities of embracing shamanism
in a globally connected world, but I especially like how the title makes the connection between the idea of knowledge production and ontology,
the study of being. It’s not just any knowledge that shamanism produces, but knowledge of the nature of being
and existence.

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