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soul recovery

The soul-recovery thing has been happening at a rate of knots that is not uncanny. I've been dreaming differently since January, and receiving messages through my dreams like psychoanalysis is going out of fashion. I use a yo[u]ga-nidra recording most nights
and some mornings. I experience what seems to be mostly yogic sleep, by which I mean my sleep is mostly clear
of dreams, a type of consciousness-restoring blackness or a type of deadness to the illusion of dreams, and then when they come they generally
feel as real to me as waking life, and mostly the dreams come toward the
end of my sleep, I guess so I can wake up at a time appropriate for recording them, and generally the mere act of setting about their documentation illuminates the insight latent in them.

There are themes developing, and in
last night's dream there was a recurring image with text, which I can't remember but which feels significant.

I am glad about this, and I wondered if "glad" was connected etymologically with "gratitude", but it isn't: the word "glad" comes from "glade", but the word "gratitude" doesn't come from "glad".

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